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bootmgr is missing Vista开机错误提示

vista2014-08-28 16:02:38



BOOTMGR is missing. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. (bootmgr失踪,按Ctrl + Alt + DEL 重新启动)

The error happens when you delete, accidentally or intentionally vital Vista system files, or the files become corrupted or been destroyed by virus or malware, may be also by improper install of Vista activation crack such as Paradox OEM BIOS emulator or  Vista Loader. In whichever case, you no longer able to access to Vista desktop environment. (错误往往在以下情况:您意外或者故意删除了一些重要Vista系统文件,或者文件被病毒或恶意软件损坏或摧毁,还可能您采取了不适当的BIOS模拟等Vista激活方式,让你不能访问Vista的桌面环境。 )

To fix the BOOTMGR is missing error, for those who do not want to reinstall Windows Vista, a lot of them is actually using Vista DVD media to boot up the computer every time.Here is the permanent solution to solve BOOTMGR is missing error by repairing or restoring BOOTMGR file. Simply follow steps outlined in guide below. (想要修复bootmgr丢失的错误,而您又不想重新安装Windows Vista时,大部分人选择了使用Vista的DVD安装光盘来开机,这儿有个有个永久性的根除这个错误的办法,很简单,只要按照中概述的步骤指南来操作就可以了。)

一、Insert Windows Vista DVD media into DVD-ROM drive, and boot up your computer using CD-ROM drive. If your computer doesn’t boot up or at least prompt you to ask whether to boot up with CD-ROM drive, you need to change the boot up sequence setting in your BIOS.(插入Windows Vista的DVD安装光盘,用它来启动电脑,如果没有正常启动,请确定在BIOS里面设置下开机启动顺序,先由DVD驱动器启动电脑。)

二、At the “Install Windows” window, select your preferred language, time and currency format and keyboard or input method, and then click on “Next” button.(在安装Winows那个窗口,选择适合您的系统语言、时区、键盘模式,然后点击下一步按钮。)

三、On the next screen, click on the “Repair your computer” link on the bottom left corner. (在下一步骤的屏幕左下角,点击“修复您的电脑”链接。 )

四、Choose which Windows installation that you want to repair, in case you have many copies of Windows partition.In the case you have only one installation, the choice is obvious. (如果您有很多Windows硬盘分区的话,请先选择您要修复的那个分区, 如果您只有一个Windows安装,那么选择就是显而易见的。 )

五、In the “System Recovery Options” window, click on “Startup Repair” to automatically fix problems that are preventing Windows from starting, including missing BOOTMGR. (在“系统恢复选项”窗口,点击“启动修复”,这样,就可以防止Windows无法启动,也解决丢失bootmgr错误提示的问题。 )


六、The recovery process should be pretty fast completed. (这个修复过程一般会相当快速完成。)

Then take out your DVD, and try to boot up your computer using hard disk to check if the BOOTMGR is missing problem is solved. (然后拿出你的DVD 安装光盘,并尝试用硬盘重新启动您的计算机,看看bootmgr失踪的问题是否得到解决。 )

If you still facing problem, try the second option - “System Restore” instead, which should be able to recover and replace back original good BOOTMGR if the restore point is created before BOOTMGR is missing. (如果您仍存在这个问题,请尝试第二个方案-“系统还原” ,可以还原到您丢失bootmgr之前的系统状态。)


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bootmgr is missing Vista开机错误提
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