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Windows Mobile 6.5下载

手机教程2014-08-28 16:02:38

  下载Windows Mobile 6.5需要论坛注册下载!

  Rom version: 6.50.00

  Rom Date: 15.02.2009

  Page Pool: 24.5 MB

  Core: 5.2.21159

  Build: 21159.5.0.0

  AKU: 5.00

  So what's not inside:

  Removed: Office, SQM, Transcriber, Windows Live, Welcome Center, IPSECVPN, Enterprise and some more stuff which IMO is unneeded ... the rom so far is stable.

  Added: my latest looks inside based on sun_dream dialer, in the extrom archive there is sample extrom which i use which includes SkyMarket (The New Microsoft Marketplace), SkyLine(Outlook Live), SkyBox (Microsoft My Phone) (included cabs), PIE 8.12 + Adobe Flash Lite, Welcome Center, Microsoft Widgets, Windows Live Mobile (latest build to date), Segoe UI fonts (needed for more smooth letters), Repacked Office Mobile from this build + OneNote and a few more cabs which i think are needed

  NK.exe customizations are taken from sun_dream's rom (hes nk.exe is fast) other stuff in the xip is ported from the original 21159 xip. Many thanks to sun_dream for provided help with this rom. For my latest roms i have removed SQM, and customer experience sh** in order to lighten a lil the rom and protect personal information to be sent to microsoft. Try it on your own risk - it is beta build so you can encounter unpredicted bugs with it.

  I want to thank to mamaich (still use hes tools in rom building for BA), bepe (BuildOS is hes work - a brilliant one), in random order, sun_dream, childrin (solved my 96 hours headbang), mun_rus, Tuatara (constant help and support), helmi_c, itsme (brilliant perl scripts which were used for dumping all the goodies from newer roms), cmonex (a lot of help and support in reallocating and nk.exe editing) and a lot more people involved ... I appreciate your help


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