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微软为Windows8招兵买马 招聘信息中提到Win8

电脑系统教程2014-08-28 16:02:38

根据微软在招聘网站上刊登的信息,微软已经开始为下一代操作系统Windows8的开发招兵买马了。Windows爱好者网站 CodenameWindows发现了这则招聘广告。广告的内容是招聘软件开发工程师,有关的工作内容则包括开发第三方软件用的更新程序,以及虚拟机有关 的程序设计工作,用人单位则是Windows更新客户团队。此外,在招聘广告中还提到这项工作将与Windows8有关。

看起来,微软推出Windows7之后,已经开始忙于Windows7 SP1以及下一代操作系统Windows8的开发准备工作了。以下是这则招聘广告的原文:

Job Category: Software Engineering: Development
Location: United States, WA, Redmond
Job ID: 701629 7857
Division: Server & Tools Business

This is a great time to join us. Our team owns the Windows Update Client and our code delivers software and updates to over 600 million computers. We just finished up work on Windows 7, and are pushing forth on Windows 8 planning and preparation. There are opportunities to work on a number of hard problems, including third-party application updating, updating virtual machines while they’re turned off (turns out this is pretty hard!), and delivering full applications, among others. To help us charge full steam on these fronts, we are looking for skilled and passionate software engineers.

As part of this team, you will help shape Windows 8. Components of our code include a core agent that runs as an NT service, an API layer and a UI application. We talk to the update servers using web services and we have special protocols in place to deal with the massive scale of the system.

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