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LQ评出2009年优秀的开源软件名单 Ubuntu居首

其他资讯2014-08-28 16:02:38


2009 Members Choice Award Winners

The polls are closed and the results are in. We had a record number of votes cast for the ninth straight year. Congratulations should go to each and every nominee. We once again had some extremely close races and a couple multi-year winners were unseated. The official results:


Desktop Distribution of the Year(桌面系统) - Ubuntu (30.13%)
Server Distribution of the Year(服务器) - Debian (24.24%)
Security/Forensic/Rescue Distribution of the Year(系统恢复盘) - BackTrack (43.48%)
Database of the Year - MySQL(数据库) (60.81%)
Office Suite of the Year (办公套件)- (90.76%)
Browser of the Year(浏览器) - Firefox (65.21%)
Desktop Environment of the Year(桌面环境) - Gnome (41.96%)
Window Manager of the Year(窗口管理器) - Compiz (23.10%)
Messaging App of the Year(即时通讯) - Pidgin (48.74%)
Mail Client of the Year(邮件客户端) - Thunderbird (53.48%)
Virtualization Product of the Year(虚拟机产品) - VirtualBox (67.43%)
Audio Media Player Application of the Year(音频播放器) - Amarok (38.81%)
Audio Authoring Application of the Year(音频编辑器) - Audacity (77.26%)
Video Media Player Application of the Year(视频播放器) - VLC (46.05%)
Video Authoring Application of the Year(视频编辑器) - FFmpeg (21.94%)
Multimedia Utility of the Year (多媒体工具)- GStreamer (32.84%)
Graphics Application of the Year(图像软件) - GIMP (66.48%)
Network Security Application of the Year(网络安全) - Nmap Security Scanner (29.85%)
Host Security Application of the Year(主机安全) - SELinux (39.26%)
Network Monitoring Application of the Year(网络监视) - Nagios (51.11%)
IDE/Web Development Editor of the Year(IDE/网页开发) - Eclipse (23.28%)
Text Editor of the Year(文本编辑器) - vim (35.29%)
File Manager of the Year(文件管理器) - Nautilus (24.92%)
Open Source Game of the Year(开源游戏) - Battle for Wesnoth (15.45%)
Programming Language of the Year(编程语言) - Python (27.59%)
Backup Application of the Year(备份工具) - rsync (48.99%)
Open Source CMS/Blogging platform of the Year(开源内容管理系统/博客平台) - WordPress (45.20%)


If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve the MCA's next year, do let me know. Visit for the full poll results.

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LQ评出2009年优秀的开源软件名单 Ubuntu居首
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