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DirectX 11下载For Windows7和Vista

其他资讯2014-08-28 16:02:38

  首先说明DirectX 11只支持windows7vista ,不支持XP !

  DirectX 11, 下一代of Windows DirectX 图像技术将在Windows7 ,并支持多种特性.在DirectX 10 发布后 微软 释出了DirectX 11 with Direct3D 11预览版.

  This version of the Windows 7/Direct3D 11 Technical Preview ships as part of the DirectX SDK and contains the following new features, tools, and documentation: Technical Preview of Direct2D; Technical Preview of DirectWrite; Technical Preview of DXGI 1.1,” the Redmond company informed.

DirectX 11下载For Windows7和Vista

  特性Direct2D, DirectWrite, DXGI 1.1 ,DirectX End-User Runtimes.

  This DirectX11 release contains the following new Direct features and tools:

  技术预览 Direct2D

  Direct2D is a hardware-accelerated(硬件加速), immediate-mode(实时模型), 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps, and text. The Direct2D API is designed to interoperate well with Direct3D and GDI. This technical preview allows developers to evaluate the API and write simple applications, with some of the more advanced functionality possible on properly configured machines.


  DirectWrite provides support for high-quality text rendering(文本渲染), resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layout support, and much, much more.

  技术预览DXGI 1.1

  DXGI 1.1 builds on DXGI 1.0 and will be available on both Windows Vista and Windows 7. DXGI 1.1 adds several new features.

  Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11下载) for Windows 7 and Vista

  Download DirectX 11 Software Development Kit

  Download DirectX 11 End-User Runtimes

  Download DirectX 11 Web Installer



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