在最近的SBS 官方博客上发布了一片关于如何在Windows SBS 2008服务器网络中使用Windows 7 beta的方式。简单的说你需要:
1. 替换supportedOS.xml文件。
2. 更改相关的组策略使得SBS的客户端部署功能能够在Windows 7上适用。
This article details the known issues with using Windows 7 BETA as a member of an SBS 2008 domain. The steps in this article are for test purposes only. If you are using Windows 7 BETA you may encounter the following issues:
This is a known issue that will be fixed in IE 8.0 before it is officially released. In the mean time please open the links from your IE favorites or type the URL directly in to the IE address bar.
You must run IE as an administrator on Vista to be able to connect to a Windows 7 BETA client via RWW.
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