KX改版驱动 以俄罗斯发烧友Eugene Gavrilov、Max Mikhailov和Hanz Petrov为首,联合世界其它地方的一些编程高手组成的"kX工程开发小组"所出品。KX驱动的优势在于:支持低延迟的32通道ASIO,音效插件模块化,优化的DX接口,图形化的DSP模块操作,音质和功能与专业APS声卡有过之而无不及,软件界面多语言支持,软件界面支持皮肤更换。
* fixed issues with '>2Gb memory' PCs
* fixed issue with add-ons on multidevice configurations (E-DSP Control, menu_idx)
* fixed issue with kX Console unable to launch from the tray
* fixed 'slow tooltips' issue in kX DSP
* fixed 'no labels' issue in kX DSP
* soundfonts may not work properly, because sfman32.dll requires kxapi.dll, which is no longer in the system32 folder. Add kX folder to your PATH to solve the problem
* as earlier, 'speaker test' will NOT work in Vista/Windows7
* you may need to increase kX buffer size in Windows7/Vista to avoid clicks
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